Monday, June 15, 2020

Quite wonderful this second world - our Moon!


 Our Earth's Moon is ever enchanting both to humans and other living things, the animals and plants present on this Earth. Though this natural satellite of our planet is revolving around, it is said to be formed out of Earth either due to some forcible impact by asteroids or by parting away due to Earth's centrifugal force when it was rotating. It is still a wonder how the moon keeps it's same side towards the Earth in all it's rotation about itself during its revolving around the Earth in it's orbit!
It is said to be done so by it's synchronizing it's rotation with that of it's revolving (it's own rotation period is equal to it's own revolving period around the Earth!). Nobody on the Earth has ever seen the other side (far side) of the Moon! Due to it's rotation, moon has 14 days (24 hours of Earth's one day period) as it's one (lunar) day and similarly, 14 days as it's one (lunar) night!

Moon's size exactly fits on the sun's face (disc) at times of Total Solar Eclipse! How is it planned and done? And who did make it happen so, ever? The Moon, that attracts humans has been approached and also visited by humans. Not only living things are influenced by the moon, especially it's full moon and new moon phases, but also by the Great Oceans too, exhibited through their tides!

While many wonders in the far distant space are attracting, our wonder Moon, that is near us, has many more such loads of wonders to be revealed, and hence to revisit it often!

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