Friday, November 2, 2012

Hippopotamus lives as a frog!

As school kids, we wondered about an animal that lives in water. We imagined it then as a buffalo lying in tank and taking bath. It is the Hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius, 'Neer Yaanai' in Tamil meaning 'water elephant'). When we saw it in a zoo then, it resembled a large sized pig, that is lying in mud avoiding sun's heat! Submerged in water, it was also like a frog or a crocodile, showing only its nostrils, eyes and ears above the water surface.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Moon's play - Waxing and Waning!

In the past adamant children were fed by mothers at dinnertime showing the mesmerizing moon on the sky; children too stopped their crying and chewed in the food seeing the charm of the moon. Children seem to be indulging in these thoughts: why this moon is not stable and goes on changing day by day - waxing sometimes and waning sometimes! OK. Now, why there are these waxing and waning in Moon?

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Playing with this Blister Beetle!

Each day one will see at least an insect where ever he is in this world. But one insect will make anyone remember about it at anytime by its peculiar habit as it is to me! This insect is a beetle that sprays pungent gas whenever one irritates it by teasing it. This is the Common Indian Red spotted Blister Beetle (Mylabris pustulata, Orange Beetle, 'Pithaan Pithaan' in Tamil).

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Sparkling light-show by Firefly Squids!

I have seen worms glow, and flies flash lights on and off at night. Such natural powers are also seen in deep sea creatures. Such a creature is a squid that flashes deep blue light from all of its body! It is called Firefly Squid (Watasenia scintillans). It lives in West Pacific Ocean at a depth of about 1200 feet.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Aromatic repellant, the Mothballs!

In my childhood, one object drew my attention much by its smell! Even at these present days I could smell and detect its presence in any other materials that had contact with it: we can detect it by its characteristic aromatic odour - even when this odour is present in its lowest concentration! This object is white and round; and is commonly seen in households. It is nothing but our Mothball. Its content chemical is either Naphthalene or Para-dichlorobenzene. Its Tamil names are 'Mannenaikundu', 'Patchaa urundai', 'Anthurundai'.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Genetic test for unborn baby!

Our world's bright future depends on the health of children born already and also on that of children unborn. Children born with Genetic disorders suffer with disabilities life long. If the genetic disorders are diagnosed in the unborn baby, we we could either prevent or treat them.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Scary Brahminy blind snake

My parents, sisters and brothers were cautious in my childhood and safeguarded me in every aspect, as I had been born as a precious child to my parents, then:). They used to point to everything that might harm me and warned me about it, so that I could avoid it and hence its harm to me, by its identification in future! One such a thing was a 'worm' that is seen on the floor of the house.

Friday, August 10, 2012

The smallest bird, the Bee Hummingbird!

Earlier I had wondered and boasted about the presence of a tiniest bird in my garden. But it was not a bird and it turned out to be a moth. Now we see here the real smallest living bird found in this world. It is the
Bee Hummingbird (Mellisuga helenae). Its size is only 5cm. It is just like an insect. It can hover on a spot as a helicopter does in midair.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Sweetish sour wonder in Tamarind tree!

Nowadays, whenever I look at a particular tree species my mouth waters - the past experience with tasting of its fruits influences me like this! But in my childhood days I used to look at these trees with fear - as the elders had told stories about ghosts that hang upside down on them! This tree is nothing but our
Tamarind tree (Tamarindus indica, 'Pulia maram' in Tamil). Though it is native to Africa it is found in many countries from Asia to America. Here in Tamil Nadu, India, it is found as avenue trees and all along the state roadways.
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