Showing posts with label Beeswax. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Beeswax. Show all posts

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Being alert about Honey Bee!

At my younger age, as a honey bee came near me with its buzzing sound, I withdrew back my head and shoulders fearing its stinging. But I haven't been stung by any of its species - when I remained calm without extending arm to push it away. Bees are always busy with their allotted work and ignore us unless irritated. Then my peer group alerted that when a bee stings, it leaves its stinger on the victim's skin and it dies next; to abate the harm done by this stinging one should apply slaked lime on the spot. Are these true? Yes, I find it to be true for the
Honey Bee ('Theanee' in Tamil, Apis mellifera); but not for other species!
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