Showing posts with label Dog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dog. Show all posts

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Breeding-tie in dogs

Frequently we see dogs move in groups, as they too are social as we are
. But sometimes, especially during the monsoon season, when dogs are seen standing as a pair they are shouted at and driven away. We do not like their such pairing on the streets and dislike it. But anxious people have a quick look at them and turn their heads away. These dogs after their pairing or mating cannot separate themselves from each other. Most of the people move away pitying on them, but also with a puzzling question in their mind's corner, 'Poor things, why they cannot separate themselves now?'

Friday, December 5, 2008

Rabies, the Fatal Disease and the Vaccines that prevent it

The disease Rabies is infective. Usually a dog having this disease spreads it to man or other animals by its bites. Rarely domestic animals such as cattle, pigs, and cats and monkeys too can also spread it. When man goes for trekking or hunting in forests he may be bitten by wild animals such as fox, wolf, mongoose and bats, that may have been already infected, and get this disease.

virus causing this disease attacks nerves and brain after entering the body through the bite wounds. As the disease cannot be cured and leads to death quickly, one has to prevent himself from acquiring it by getting himself and also his pet animals vaccinated against it before sustaining any such bite wound. Even after any unexpected bite, the Rabies can be prevented by getting vaccinated! (- but only after immediate washing the bite wounds with soap and water, and applying Povidone-Iodine ointment - for this removes and kills the virus instantly). By taking all these precautionary measures the Rabies can be avoided by all. The wonder vaccines used get all the credits as an incurable and fatal disease is prevented by them!

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