Showing posts with label Druids. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Druids. Show all posts

Sunday, July 15, 2007

The Rock Memorial and the Stone Henges

Vivekananda Roc
k Memorial is at Kanyakumari of India. The top of eastern parapet wall of this memorial presents some markings: Sun's yearly deviations on its sojourn overhead from East to the West from season to season have been represented by stone line carvings. With such similar lines of astronomical precision the Stone Henges might have been planned and erected by the Druids!
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Vivekananda Rock Memorial

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Druids- Stone Henges & Indo-Aryans

The Druids, the ancient priests from the Celtic race who had built the Saracen Stone Henges, used Indo-European language. The Aryans of India too used that language as the Druids did. So, Druids could have had the same culture and religious rituals as that of Indo-Aryans! (After all, culture, traditions and rituals pass over from one race to the other through the common language used, isn’t it?). Hence, the Stone Henges related religious rituals also might have been similar to that of Indians.
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