Friday, April 2, 2010

Twittering about a tree, bug and a mite!

After an event in life other events follow. The question that arises within us after knowing about that prime event is: What happened next? I had informed about the unexpected cutting down of my Indian Coral Tree in one of my previous posts (Read it here). Now the tree has grown up and bloomed!

Another event relating to a previous post: I was dejected to find out that my Purple Orchid Tree was affected with some mysterious disease. All over its branches it was covered with black spots.

On close examination I found out and surprised about that all those black spots were actually Horned Treehopper bugs! The ants were seen tending them for their honey dew!

And you see here the Velvet Mite that runs on the monsoon grounds of my garden!

Read also here the wonder posts related to this post!Cut Coral Tree grows!
The Horned Treehopper to remember about!
Red Velvet Mite - to Please You!

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