Showing posts with label Passionflower. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Passionflower. Show all posts

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Appealing wonders - Garden pictures!

An unusual colour excites and sticks well to your mind - a Yellow Shoe flower shows itself here:

Delicious fruits that were offered by my tree (that was uprooted by a downburst) - Guava fruits invite you here:

Friday, August 6, 2010

Twittering again about Nature's wonders!

We have seen already about
the already observed and recorded wonders. But such wonders are still happening around us to be seen and recorded. I exhibit (twit!) here some of such wonder pictures for your viewing:

Bagworm uses here a strip of Jowar plant as its cocoon material (we had seen earlier a Bagworm using small sticks or thorns)!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Parade of Winter and Spring Flowers

Winter and the spring are enchanting to both animals and plants. Birds sing their songs. Plants grow in luxuriance. They are green all over, and their flowers bloom in beautiful colors. These all the exhibits of the seasons enchant all of us. Here are some of their images:

Twin Roses
Passion flowers open at early morning and close at forenoon as sunlight intensifies.
Guava Flowers
Gul Moghur tree showing its first bloom in this first week of May
Can you identify these wild flowers of the meadows?
The wild Little Blue Flower of the winter.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

The Wise and Benevolent Plant

Insects aid plants in pollination. Some plants avoid interference to this insect pollination: The Passion vine plant (Passiflora incarnata) produces nectar at the base of each leaf for ants that may interfere! This distraction also has another advantage: the plant is guarded by these ants round the clock! Really it is a WONDER in the Nature!

This plant exhibits a peculiar phenomenon. Its flowers bloom overnight and close at forenoon as soon as sun's rays heat them! This also happens even when the flowers are plucked and kept in the shadow!
Read and view about it in:
Passion vine                                                                  
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