Showing posts with label Technology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Technology. Show all posts

Thursday, December 13, 2012

The ubiquitous foam plastic - Thermocol!

In 1970s, I went to an exhibition conducted by a Polytechnic Institute located at Madurai, South India. There at one of the stalls, students were demonstrating to the public a block of white material that they cut by a heated wire! The hot nichrome wire stretching between two poles cut the block when it was applied from above and pressed down on it.

Friday, September 10, 2010

The mighty Borosilicate Glass!

While doing certain household experiments as a school boy, I was shocked in two incidents to see my experimenting work spoiled. First one occurred when the glass bottle in which I had poured hot water broke down and the other one when I poured water in a hot glass bottle ('Horlicks bottle', as it was called then) - it cracked and fell down in pieces! My efforts to set up a 'home laboratory' was thus shattered!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Spiral Eye makes threading easy!

Now, I experience it as a tough task- the threading in a needle, as my mom had in my teen years. Either I trim and moisten the end of the thread or push a steel blade's edge into the needle's eye to clear it and try, and retry threading. This job was earlier simplified by using a Threader. But now a lady has invented a fool proof sewing needle.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

A Wonder Word Definition Searcher

As computer technology is fast developing, the web-users have to update their knowledge about using the new technologies. What is it? Why should it be used? And when should it be used? These are the questions that tease the minds of web-users, especially those of non-technological people. One wonderful website comes to the rescue of web-users. Yes, it is Simply type the technological word in its box of
SEARCH and click Go! button. You get the narrative definition and details of it. No need to waste time in finding it in the search results of any search engine: you get it in a single pick! Webopedia is a word specific 'Wonder engine' indeed!

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